How to blog: This was a great post that skims the surface on how to blog and how people make money blogging. It really opened up my eyes to how easy yet complicated it can be. I have a lot of learning to do in this subject. But really made me think anyone could create a successful blog and earn money if you follow the steps she outlines. I just might give it a try... or I am trying it now you could say. So we'll see where this blogging thing takes me.
How to make things out of old books: Crafts are my favorite and I have a bunch of old sheet music that I could use for a bunch of these crafts. I just loved how elegant the paper leaves looked on this hutch. I thought it might be fun to make something like this for the holidays and add in some pine cones.
Pine cones: At the park Jack and I collected pine cones so I can make some different crafts with them for fall and winter decorations. Jack was happy to help and searched for pine cones to put in our sack. I just love having a little buddy around to join me in all my weird activities. Here are a couple of the ideas I found I wanna try....
Burlap bow with hanging pine cones
Dyed and Bleached Pine Cones
Pine Cone Topiary
Pine Cone Garland
"Use an old cookie sheet or place aluminum foil on a cookie sheet that you use often. Place as many pine cones on the cookie sheet that will fit in a single layer. Put the cookie sheet on the middle rack in a preheated 200 degree oven for about an hour. The pine cones should open up during this time, if they are still tightly closed. This cooking process also kills any bugs and other bacteria that may be living in the pine cones. Let them completely cool."
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I'm also going to give making cinnamon pine cones a try. This is one of the links that explains how to make them... How to make Cinnamon Pine Cones
Seems simple enough. Bake out the bugs, spray with adhesive, add pine cones to a bag with spices in it, take them out and let the pine cones dry. So easy and simple.
So today was another successful day of no spending. I stayed home and baby sat then wend to the park to play and collect pine cones, visited grandma and grandpa and spend the evening making dinner and hanging out with my family. What a great Monday it was.
What sort of things do you like to learn about for free on the internet? Are there other places you go to learn new things for free?
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