Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Gratitude Challenge Day 1: Jack


This happy little 17 month old (in a few days) is one of the best parts of my life. He is such a smart boy who loves being outside and playing with kids. He's always giving hugs and kisses and knows how to have a good time wherever he is. There are so many good things to say about this little guy I could go on forever. 

He is such a blessing to me and my husband and a long awaited one at that. Jack came into our lives after 5 long years of trying to get pregnant and unsuccessful fertility treatments. Brady and I were pretty discouraged but when we found out we were going to have a baby it was like a weight was lifted. We were now going to have a family. I am grateful that I was given such a wonderful boy. I have enjoyed the time he has been in my life better than any other time in my life. I am grateful that I get to be his mother. 

I love you Bubba! 


  1. Guess my first comment didn't post. But he sure is a sweet boy in nursery. Those 5 years must have been so hard but he was worth the wait in the end, eh? :) So cute!

    1. Thanks Rachel. He sure does love nursery. You do a great job in there with all the kids. Jack loves it for sure!
